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Internet and social media have made job searching an easy task, various job searching sites acts like a medium between the employer and the employee. Just by the use of a few keywords used for finding a particular job in a search portal a person can easily get in touch with the employer.
But you must be wondering that if job searching is a piece of cake then why is there a high rate of unemployment, well there are many reasons for unemployment, a job portal wont spoon feed a person who is searching for a job, every job hunters should make sure to use proper key words which suits their skills when searching for a job in a portal.
The first thing that introduces you to the employer is your resume so a candidate should prepare a proper resume filling in with adequate information relating to their skills and make sure that the resume that is made should be transparent and shouldn’t have any grammatical or spelling errors, overall the resume shouldn’t be fake and should have all the true academic and personal details.
Candidate should understand the job description, if it matches their skill they should go ahead and send the resume, if they are called of an interview they should research about that company thoroughly and should be confidently presenting themselves and prove to be better than the rest, anxiety often makes people stress so its advised to stay relaxed and focused on their resume. Remembering the contents of the resume is very important as the initial questions asked are mainly from the resume.
When asked questions the candidate’s answers should be unique and make the employer feel that hiring him will be beneficial for the company so the candidate should put emphasis on discussing the life’s stories where he has proved to be productive for his previous employer, what his contributions were towards a task given to his entire team, how did he cope with stressed and challenging situations and how did he overcome his failures.
Employment can also be made easier by having good network, candidates having good relations with people who are already working in good reputed companies is an added benefit, its easier to get information about vacancies and sometimes its an advantage to get referenced from the present employee of the organization. If you are not lucky enough to have good network then having an account in LinkedIn can be fruitful for you, though it’s a bit lengthy process to build network but if given a little time it can prove to be a positive source to build your network.
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