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An improved hiring process will avail you the opportunity to choose the very best out a pool of talent available in the labor market. Hence, it improves your organization’s success. But how do you get this right? Here are a few things to keep in mind when reshaping your hiring process:
Have a good and solid way to follow up on job candidates. Just like it is pertinent that the candidate follows up his/her applications, you (as an organization) must have an interactive avenue for such process – a candidate who sent an email (or any other communication means you have) follow up message must be acknowledged. A reply won’t hurt anybody.
Remember to keep a close eye on applicants who show a keen interest in having the job. They are most enthusiastic and perform really well when offered the job.
Another factor to be conscious and deliberate about is your job descriptions. The first thing that gets the attention of your envisioned human talent is the way your job description is written. Write it in a better way if you feel you are getting a mediocre result!
Make it simple and concise – with reference to Needs-Supply and the Demands-Abilities approaches. It is only natural that applicants tend to critically examine the Needs-Supply approach (which spurn them to apply) more than the Demands-Abilities approach.
This is so because the former is concerned with what the organization can do for the candidates while the latter deals with what the organization expects from the candidates.
Be digital and social media friendly. People (employee) tends to align with organizations that are tech savvy. Your hiring should be wire round a good tech which enables your applicants to get to you with ease and comfort.
Social media gives you the true picture of your prospective employee, running a background check using this platform would afford you the real go at him/her. Though it is risky to make it a major factor in your hiring decisions.
Furthermore, skills and personality should be considered when hiring. Concentrating solely on the skills might land you an employee whose personalities doesn’t fit into the job – don’t make this costly error again. Define the skills and outline the personality type (in line with your organizational culture) for the job in question.
Improving on your interview session – from the technical focus to more of the employability skills focus. Employability skills such as emotional intelligence, motivation, temperament, etc. This would reduce (if not eliminate) the new employee failure syndrome.
Lastly, be concerned about your hiring process review. Reputation is important, especially for your employee. Nobody wants to give his/her best for an organization that has too many negative reviews from former employees.
These are easy to follow, right? Yeah! Get started and take your company to a whole new level with an improved hiring process.
At ACE Employment, we work hard to make sure that our perception of value matches our clients’ perception. With our 29 year history of workforce solutions, our firm offers temporary, temp-to-hire, full-time and payroll services focusing on administrative, accounting & finance, legal & compliance, human resources, talent acquisition, technology and healthcare personnel. Give us a call to leverage your hiring practices.
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