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How To Dress For a Job Interview

- Jun 11, 2015

Sure, when you attend an interview you do want to be as prepared as possible from a mental standpoint, but the reality is that the way you look does pose a few challenges as well, because if you don’t dress or appear in a professional manner at the interview, then you will have lower chances of getting hire.


With this in mind we have created a few tips and tricks that will help you find the proper attire for your upcoming interview, all so that you can obtain the highest quality results! However, the attire differs if you have a professional or less formal interview

Men’s attire

You will need to get a suit with a solid color, a long sleeve shirt, as well as a belt, tie, dark socks and as little jewelry as possible. At the same time, you should have a very small amount of aftershave that is barely noticeable, as well as neatly trimmed nails, a professional hair style and a briefcase where you carry your portfolio.

For a less formal interview you can wear stuff which is a little more casual, but do try to maintain respect over the interviewer, so keep it as professional as you can, while also inserting some casual elements, as this is a very helpful idea right from the start.

Women’s attire

Women also have to bring a professional outfit when they attend an interview, but, as expected, there are a few changes when compared to the men’s attire, of course. First, they need a suit either in dark grey, black or navy, as well as a skirt that is long enough in order to sit comfortably.

The attire has to be completed with conservative shoes, as well as a coordinated blouse and a limited amount of jewelry. If you to have jewelry, make sure that you have high quality one, because instead of having cheap one you might bring a bad impression.

Of course, you also need to have a professional hairstyle, a neutral pantyhose as well as a light perfume and make-up. The manicure also has to be perfect too!

What to avoid?

There are a few things you have to avoid during an interview, which include having a cell phone, a soda, coffee, gum, cover tattoos or piercings.

Interview tips

You need to prepare you clothes the night before and polish your shoes in order to provide a more natural appeal. At the same time, you need to bring a breath mint as this will help. If you use dry cleaners, then make sure that you take your clothes to the dry cleaners right after the interview, so you will have them ready for the next time.

All in all, even if it can be quite hard to prepare properly for an interview, don’t hesitate and check out our tips, you will be more than delighted with the outcome, and all you have to do is to follow these tips the best way you can.

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