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Strategic Measures To Take When Hiring

- Dec 8, 2014

Staffing industry is known to select the right employee based on the requirements placed by the employers. To our surprise, we analyzed that most of these top notch recruiting agencies or staffing consultancies do not understand and follow the steps involved while recruiting an individual. So for the sake of all, here are few strategic measures to be taken by the staffing industry or the talent acquisition team while hiring an individual:


  1. The first step involved in the recruitment and selection process is Sourcing. The talent requisition team does search engine optimization through different job boards for the apt resumes. While doing this, they concentrate on the identification, evaluation of the job seeker’s professional and academic details. Most of the sourcing process is done through online or job recruiting sites.
  1. A job requirement is placed on multiple job boards, similarly multitude job applications flow in. At this point, it is manually impossible for the recruiter to track all the details of the aspirant; this is when tracking systems are taken into consideration. Using these systems, resumes can be picked from different job portals, and analyze the candidate’s previous experience, academic qualifications, and various other aspects of the prospective candidate.
  1. Screening is taken as a third step as this helps in filtering the best candidates. There are innumerable reasons why a resume requires screening done before giving the employment. Screening process itself consists of different steps like telephone screening, behavioral screening, assessments, and tests, and other screening
  1. After screening in the selected resume or resumes for the employer, the staffing team or the recruiting team will schedule for an interview. This interview will be planned based on the availability of both the candidate and the management. Based on the requirement’s urgency and the applicant’s present location, these interviews are even scheduled online through Skype or any other web process. During the interview, the individual will go through another process of screening by the management, and mostly this would be in the form of a face-to-face
  1. In the case recruiting consultant is involved in the selection process, then the management keeps them informed about the status of the interview, and the respective information is passed to the candidate. If it is an internal process, the same procedure is considered, wherein the management keeps the talent acquisition, or the human resources management informed about the candidate’s interview feedback. Accordingly, the necessary steps are taken into consideration
  1. As the last process of screening, if the job applicant is through the interview process, then he is taken aboard or else informed about their status of the interview.

Some of the employee screenings are performed even after the individual is taken on board. It is in the best interest of the organization to perform all the screening steps before selecting apt prospective employee.

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